Serving 40 districts and 160 schools in Indiana
Wabash Valley Education Center serves 40 districts and 160 schools in North Central Indiana.

Recorded PD Pop: ~*Using Visuals to Support All Students in School & Life (K-6) - Presented by Jenn Adams


Hey, Special Education teachers! Check out this session with Jenn Adams from Teach Love Autism! She will share the strategic implementation of visual tools to support students within academic and functional situations. There will be a keen focus on creating autonomy and modeling how using visuals not only enhances our student's abilities to complete tasks, but also encourages independence and self-reliance for the future. This will be a recorded PD Pop sent to you at 7:30 AM to view at your convenience.

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WVEC • Purdue Technology Center, 3000 Kent Avenue, Suite 1736, West Lafayette, IN 47906 • eMail

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