Serving 40 districts and 160 schools in Indiana
Wabash Valley Education Center serves 40 districts and 160 schools in North Central Indiana.

PD Pop: ~Effective Teaching and Learning for Mathematics (6-12) - Presented by Bill Reed


Do you know the productive and unproductive beliefs about teaching and learning mathematics? Do you know the 8 most effective Mathematics Teaching Practices? Are you and your school following the 6 guiding principles for school mathematics programs? How familiar are you with using the 8 Mathematical Practices? This PD Pop will focus on what, why, and how to create the most effective and productive math program and math classes at your school. Participants will examine their own beliefs about teaching and learning mathematics and determine if they are productive or unproductive. We will discuss the 5 researched based strands that create mathematical proficiency 1. Conceptual understanding, 2. Procedural fluency, 3. Strategic competence, 4. Adaptive reasoning, and 5. Productive disposition. Materials to support the 5 strands will be provided. This live session will be recorded and available to registrants for 2 months after the live session.


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