Serving 40 districts and 160 schools in Indiana
Wabash Valley Education Center serves 40 districts and 160 schools in North Central Indiana.

PD Pop: ~*Show Me: Practical Strategies for Action and Expression (K-12) - Presented by Naomi Church


Experience Universal Design for Learning, a powerful framework that ensures learning experiences are implemented in a way that helps all learners to be successful. In this session we explore the importance of giving students options for showing what they know in a way that leverages their own strengths. Educators will be able to spend less time remediating and students have more confidence when they are able to demonstrate mastery in authentic and meaningful ways. This live session will be recorded and shared afterwards with all who are registered.


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WVEC • Purdue Technology Center, 3000 Kent Avenue, Suite 1736, West Lafayette, IN 47906 • eMail

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