Serving 40 districts and 160 schools in Indiana
Wabash Valley Education Center serves 40 districts and 160 schools in North Central Indiana.

PD Pop: ~*Math EduProtocols: Frameworks to Make Math More Engaging (K-12) - Presented by Kyle Kline


Are you a math teacher who is looking for methods to increase student engagement, concept retention, and excitement within your classroom? Look no further than Eduprotocols! Eduprotocols are skill-building activities that are flexible and boost confidence within your students. These activities are adaptable for any grade level and for your diverse student learners. Come join the fun and learn some activities you can implement in your math classroom the very next day.


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WVEC • Purdue Technology Center, 3000 Kent Avenue, Suite 1736, West Lafayette, IN 47906 • eMail

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