Serving 40 districts and 160 schools in Indiana
Wabash Valley Education Center serves 40 districts and 160 schools in North Central Indiana.

PD POP: ~*Building Regulatory Skills into Your Daily Routine (K-12) - Presented by Tiffany Creager


Integrating the development and practice of self regulatory skills in your classroom can empower students to become more self-reflective, to effectively manage stress, and to build resilience. Together we will explore simple but impactful and evidence based ways to build emotion recognition, stress reducing strategies, and self regulation skills into your daily routine. These skills not only create a stronger community in your classroom, they empower your students to navigate stressful situations for years to come.


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WVEC • Purdue Technology Center, 3000 Kent Avenue, Suite 1736, West Lafayette, IN 47906 • eMail

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